Bright Lives' new
Independent Living Centre
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Catalyst's Flagship new Befriending Scheme Age Concern Colchester
& North East Essex
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NEW DISABLED CYCLING PROJECT Wheels For All programme Getting disabled people more active
through cycling.
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Apply to us for grants to fund projects or individual needs

Catalyst is interested in projects that can improve local healthcare for people in the CO post code.

Supporting Local Healthcare Needs

Colchester Catalyst Charity is a grant making trust that offers financial assistance for, local charitable organisations and individuals with medical conditions within the CO post code.

Please get in touch if you need support.

General Grants

General Grants

We support organisations that have new ideas for projects that will improve people’s health within the CO post code.
Special Individual Needs

Special Individual Needs

Contact us if you are an individual that needs funding specialist medical equipment. We offer grants up to £1,000.
Respite and Counselling

Respite and Counselling

We work with partners that provide valuable Respite and Counselling services in the CO post code.
Key Annual Report Figures

Breakdown of total grants expenditure

In 2023, we spent a total of £375,036 on grant awards in the CO post code.
General Grants (42%)
Respite (34%)
SIN (22%)
Counselling (2%)

We awarded Ending Life’s Taboo a grant of £10,000 to pump prime this project and help get it off the ground. It has been a big success already and was recently featured on Look East.

Our Mission:

To help relieve the pain of people suffering from health problems in the CO post code

Colchester Catalyst Charity has been a grant making charity since 1990, following the sale of the former Colchester Oaks Hospital.

How To Help?

Fill out our form to tell us more about your project, so we can discuss it further with you.
Fill out the form to apply for specialist equipment that you need.
Find out more about the criteria for all of our grant giving schemes.
Read about the projects we have supported in the past via our Annual Reports.
Recent projects we have funded

Case Studies

Find out about the impact of some of the projects we have funded over the years.
Some of these projects have made a huge difference to people’s lives.

We're Looking For Projects That Can Transform People's Lives

If you have an idea that could catalyse a new service that could improve or save people’s lives, please get in touch.
Our strategy for 2024

Following consultation with our partners

Following the impact of covid, we want to address some of the big mental health problems people have experienced since the pandemic.
Suicide Prevention
We are exploring ways we can help to address the high prevalence of suicide in Colchester and Tendring.
Health Inequalities
Since Covid, health inequalities in North East Essex have increased. We are keen to hear about projects that aim to address these issues.
Waiting Lists
We are looking at projects that aim to relieve physical and mental strain of people on long hospital waiting lists, by bringing them extra support in their community.

What People Say ?

Update on Catalyst's activities

Latest news

We are keen to work with a number of different partners

Current partnerships below