The following is the criteria that we apply to all types of grants administered by Colchester Catalyst Charity.
Colchester Catalyst Charity aims to help relieve the sick and suffering by making a positive and ongoing contribution to the improvement of healthcare within the community of the CO post code, specifically where help is not available from statutory organisations.
The over-riding concern of the Charity is to provide support where it will benefit the greatest number of people, principally by direct contributions to organisations for specific and well-defined projects including: therapeutic aids, equipment and buildings for medical or nursing care.
The Charity recognises the need of specialised equipment for some disabled people. Where it is established that such equipment is not available from statutory organisations, a contribution may be made to the cost involved.
General funding or contributions to staff salaries or other running costs are excluded, but recognising the often overlooked needs of carers, the Charity will consider funding respite care provided the care period is well-defined, carefully controlled and readily monitored.
Where financial help is given, the Directors will take steps to satisfy themselves that satisfactory management and organisation exists to ensure that the money is properly used, and, in the case of equipment, that it can be efficiently operated and maintained.
In appropriate cases, a grant or loan may be offered for full or part-funding of a project or equipment.
No form of retrospective funding can be considered.